Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh... I caved

I'm so mad at myself!!!! Today would have been the 3rd day - THIRD DAY of no diet coke, and I just caved! Definitely the late afternoon/evening is my trouble time.
Even worse, my sister (that lives about a mile away from me) called me and is having a "last minute" birthday party for her step-daughter tonight! cake & ice cream... great.
The thing is, I'm totally not hungry - I actually have a slight headache that I took something for a while ago, but it's still hanging around - and I'm just flat out tired today, so I KNOW I'm going to eat some cake!!!
I was quite proud of myself earlier today though. I went to lunch with one of my BFFs - to The Cheesecake Factory! I completely indulged in the Lettuce Wraps! Oh they were good!!!!! I ate all the chicken, only 2 bites of the noodles, almost all the sprouts, all the cucs and onion! Oh, it was yummy! I did indulge quite splendidly on their yummy bread, and of course I had a piece of cheesecake... 30th Anniversary... chocolate and cheesecake layers. YUM

Here's the key though... PORTION CONTROL!!!!! I am really - really - REALLY - trying hard to watch my portions. I'm trying to eat a higher percentage of protein than carbs. In all my diets (and believe me, I think I've done them all), these two things come up over and over and over again and again.
Portion Control and Protein-to-Carb ratio.
We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.....

As I go along, I'm going to interject some of my thoughts and feelings about various things... BUT if you're going to read this, you're going to have to agree to my disclaimer. (see my full disclaimer at the right...) Oh yeah - don't copy all this stuff either... thou shalt not steal!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's the Plan?

My plan is to treat this as a journal of sorts, and seriously doubting that anyone would actually read it, I might even turn it into a book or something when I'm where I want to be. I might add a few pictures, but mostly, I think if I'm putting this "out there" it will make me feel more accountable instead of just blowing it off and not doing anything.

SO - here's my plan.
I did Take Shape For Life a couple of years ago, and I'm going to get back on the TSFL Program. TSFL features Medifast food. It is not a liquid only diet. I'll put a link to my TSFL Healthcoach's web-page. If you want more info about it, leave me a comment with your email, and I'll email you in private.
SO - the basis of Take Shape for Life is this: You eat 5 of the TSFL meals per day... yes, they do have shakes, but they have other foods - oatmeal, pudding, soups, hot chocolate, etc., and so you eat 5 small meals per day. (These meals come pre-packaged, so you just mix them with water, and voila, your meal is ready in just minutes.) So, you eat these meals throughout the day - every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, and then you have a "lean and green" meal at night - or at lunch. In this new lifestyle, you abstain from carbs and sugars - including fruit.
When my husband and I did this last time, Mr. Green lost more weight than I did, but men always have an easier time taking it off than women do. He lost about 40 pounds, and I lost about 25 in probably 2 months.

Exercise is just not a welcome word in my vocabulary. As horrible as that sounds to some of you, I really don't like to sweat. It makes me feel gross. My hair is ultra-thick, and so after I exercise, and I'm all sweaty, and then I take a shower, and dry my hair, I get all hot and sweaty again from my hairdryer! Then I have to cool off for at least 10 minutes, and then I can put my make up on. I don't know about you, but really - is it worth it??? to go through all of that? I know it is... really, I do, but ugh... BUT, I'm going to be a trooper! If I go to that conference again next year, I'll see that same OBESE lady, and I'm going to be thin, and then I can refer her to TSFL! :) SO - I'm going to start exercising. I'm just going to start walking for like 30 minutes each morning. That means I'll have to get up earlier, which means I'll have to go to bed earlier, which means this is really going to re-shape my whole LIFE, not just body!!!

This "face to face with myself" is really hard.

I'm going to drink much more water! Yesterday AND today, I have been SOOOO good!!!!!
No more diet coke. Oh, that's the hardest thing!!! but, alas, I must!

I probably should post a little more blatant evidence of my weight loss... but I'm not going to. It will suffice me to say that by this time next year, I will have lost 100 pounds.... Actually, let's go back to the day the lady told me about her miracle program. That was July 31, 2009. SO, let's just make it a smidge easier... by August 1, 2010, I will be 100 pounds lighter than I am now. Maybe then I can post my actual numbers. I really want to loose more than that - my end goal is 125 pounds lost, but I'll be happy with 100 in a year.

Better go to bed so I can get up and walk... blah.

Not A Number

Hi friends and welcome to my blog!

Well, one day about two weeks ago, I was at a conference and I noticed this lady. She was extremely overweight... more than me! I couldn't help but feel bad for her, as I know what it's like. I had to step out of the classroom for just a minute, and and then came back in shortly before our class started, and this woman (the same one I was feeling empathy for) approached me with "Excuse me, could I share something with you?" I looked over and she handed me some weight loss information along with her card, and started telling me about this multi-level program she is using and how fabulous it is, etc.

If you could even believe my shock and horror! I know I'm fat, but I don't need a FATTER person telling me I'm FAT!!!!!

I politely took the information, and then turned to my friend with disbelief and a steady stream of tears draining from my eyes. I was so embarassed, hurt, unexpectedly unprepared for something like this to happen, embarassed, horrified, embarassed, and just utterly shocked that I couldn't even explain to my friend sitting next to me what just happened. As soon as I did, being that she is a Therapist, she was very capable of and did a fantastic job talking me back to reality from my distant place.

It has been a little more than two weeks since that incident, and during those two weeks, I have relived those short moments MANY, MANY times. I have gone through many ranges of emotion. I have re-evaluated my plan, looked at myself in the mirror differently, become more critical of myself (as if I wasn't critical ENOUGH of myself to begin with), and have realized that the person I see in the mirror each day is NOT representative of who I am.

I have faced myself. I am fat. (Not PHAT... not "if by 'fat' you mean AWESOME... not chubby... not "need to loose a few pounds"... I am actually in the MORBID OBESE category.)

I have examined myself, and decided I needed somewhere to write this - so thank you for being my therapist, friend, counselor, and helping me come face to face with the REAL me... NOT my number!