Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's the Plan?

My plan is to treat this as a journal of sorts, and seriously doubting that anyone would actually read it, I might even turn it into a book or something when I'm where I want to be. I might add a few pictures, but mostly, I think if I'm putting this "out there" it will make me feel more accountable instead of just blowing it off and not doing anything.

SO - here's my plan.
I did Take Shape For Life a couple of years ago, and I'm going to get back on the TSFL Program. TSFL features Medifast food. It is not a liquid only diet. I'll put a link to my TSFL Healthcoach's web-page. If you want more info about it, leave me a comment with your email, and I'll email you in private.
SO - the basis of Take Shape for Life is this: You eat 5 of the TSFL meals per day... yes, they do have shakes, but they have other foods - oatmeal, pudding, soups, hot chocolate, etc., and so you eat 5 small meals per day. (These meals come pre-packaged, so you just mix them with water, and voila, your meal is ready in just minutes.) So, you eat these meals throughout the day - every 2 1/2 - 3 hours, and then you have a "lean and green" meal at night - or at lunch. In this new lifestyle, you abstain from carbs and sugars - including fruit.
When my husband and I did this last time, Mr. Green lost more weight than I did, but men always have an easier time taking it off than women do. He lost about 40 pounds, and I lost about 25 in probably 2 months.

Exercise is just not a welcome word in my vocabulary. As horrible as that sounds to some of you, I really don't like to sweat. It makes me feel gross. My hair is ultra-thick, and so after I exercise, and I'm all sweaty, and then I take a shower, and dry my hair, I get all hot and sweaty again from my hairdryer! Then I have to cool off for at least 10 minutes, and then I can put my make up on. I don't know about you, but really - is it worth it??? to go through all of that? I know it is... really, I do, but ugh... BUT, I'm going to be a trooper! If I go to that conference again next year, I'll see that same OBESE lady, and I'm going to be thin, and then I can refer her to TSFL! :) SO - I'm going to start exercising. I'm just going to start walking for like 30 minutes each morning. That means I'll have to get up earlier, which means I'll have to go to bed earlier, which means this is really going to re-shape my whole LIFE, not just body!!!

This "face to face with myself" is really hard.

I'm going to drink much more water! Yesterday AND today, I have been SOOOO good!!!!!
No more diet coke. Oh, that's the hardest thing!!! but, alas, I must!

I probably should post a little more blatant evidence of my weight loss... but I'm not going to. It will suffice me to say that by this time next year, I will have lost 100 pounds.... Actually, let's go back to the day the lady told me about her miracle program. That was July 31, 2009. SO, let's just make it a smidge easier... by August 1, 2010, I will be 100 pounds lighter than I am now. Maybe then I can post my actual numbers. I really want to loose more than that - my end goal is 125 pounds lost, but I'll be happy with 100 in a year.

Better go to bed so I can get up and walk... blah.

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