Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Oh... I caved

I'm so mad at myself!!!! Today would have been the 3rd day - THIRD DAY of no diet coke, and I just caved! Definitely the late afternoon/evening is my trouble time.
Even worse, my sister (that lives about a mile away from me) called me and is having a "last minute" birthday party for her step-daughter tonight! cake & ice cream... great.
The thing is, I'm totally not hungry - I actually have a slight headache that I took something for a while ago, but it's still hanging around - and I'm just flat out tired today, so I KNOW I'm going to eat some cake!!!
I was quite proud of myself earlier today though. I went to lunch with one of my BFFs - to The Cheesecake Factory! I completely indulged in the Lettuce Wraps! Oh they were good!!!!! I ate all the chicken, only 2 bites of the noodles, almost all the sprouts, all the cucs and onion! Oh, it was yummy! I did indulge quite splendidly on their yummy bread, and of course I had a piece of cheesecake... 30th Anniversary... chocolate and cheesecake layers. YUM

Here's the key though... PORTION CONTROL!!!!! I am really - really - REALLY - trying hard to watch my portions. I'm trying to eat a higher percentage of protein than carbs. In all my diets (and believe me, I think I've done them all), these two things come up over and over and over again and again.
Portion Control and Protein-to-Carb ratio.
We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.....

As I go along, I'm going to interject some of my thoughts and feelings about various things... BUT if you're going to read this, you're going to have to agree to my disclaimer. (see my full disclaimer at the right...) Oh yeah - don't copy all this stuff either... thou shalt not steal!

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